be right back!

Hello, my good people! How's everyone doing? Just a quick little post here to let y'all know I have not forgotten about this blog - at all! - but I'm up to my neck in college assignments and the stress has run me down so bad I'm basically comatose as we speak. This post is brought …

mother's day


Mommy, you are a superhero. The kind of superhero who wears an apron, skinny jeans, blouses and jewelry, who cooks me meals and cleans up after me. The kind of superhero who has always tended to my scraped knees, who has cried silently at night because of my diseases ever since I was a baby (yes, momma, I know about it), who is always proud of me, no matter how much I shine or screw up. I really want to thank you for all that you do for me daily, putting yourself last for me and my sisters, for always bringing me my medication when I’m too lazy to pick it up, even after working 8-6. The one who puts up with my stupidity and random, annoying, hypothetical questions about life. You really are a superhero, mommy, and I appreciate you endlessly. We may bicker back and forth every day, but we do so because we are cut from the same cloth, you and I. Similar as twins in everything. I wish I could give you the world, momma, and I will do that someday. You just wait. I love you!

my life... plus crohn’s disease

I was 18 when I was first diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. It was only a year ago, but feels like it was only yesterday. Times flies when you're having fun. HA! It’s really not the drama some people envision it to be. Honestly, I think some people pity me more than I’d ever consider pitying mys…
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